Math 210 Applied Mathematics for Engineers (Spring 2022)

This page is for archival purposes only!
Students should use ODTU-Class

There will be 28 lectures given by the instructors, each lasting 2 hours. The schedule below gives a rough list of course content on a per-week basis.

Note: This schedule may be modified/reorganized as the class progresses.

Week 1 Systems of Linear Equations.
Converting to Vector and Matrix Equations
Computing the LU-Decomposition of a Matrix
Solving Matrix Equations Using LU-Decomposition
Week 2 Approximate Solutions of Linear Systems.
Projection and Orthogonalization
Normal Equation and Least Squares Approximation
Week 3 1-Dimensional Structures.
Adjacency Matrices (Edge-Edge, Edge-Node, Node-Node)
Structure Equilibrium via the Stiffness Matrix.
Week 4 2-Dimensional Structures.
Nullspace of Adjacency Matrix and Rowspace of Force Matrix
Structure Equilibrium and Collapse Mechanisms
Week 5 1-Dimensional Vibration.
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors (Diagonalization)
Eigenvalues of Adjacency Matrix
Markov Processes
Week 6 Principal Component Analysis.
Singular Value Decomposition
Positive Definite Matrices
Weeks 7-9 Discretization of Functions.
Initial Value Problems and Euler's Method
Matrices Corresponding to Differentiation Operators
Boundary Value Problems and Discretization of Differential Equations
Inverses and Delta Functions
Week 10-14 Fourier Series
(Projection onto sin, cos, Complex Exponential)
Continuous and Discrete Fourier transforms
Fast Fourier Transform
Convolution, Filters, and Signal Processing