Math 210 Applied Mathematics for Engineers (Spring 2013)

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Students should use ODTU-Class

Course Syllabus (pdf)

Frequency: Spring Terms

Credit: (4-0)4

Catalog Description: Vector differential and integral calculus. Matrices. Determinants. Systems of linear equations. Characteristic values and characteristic vectors of matrices. Introduction to numerical methods.

Prerequisite: MAT 120 or consent of the Department.

Course Objectives: This course is designed to give second year engineering students fundamental concepts of vector calculus and linear algebra relevant to their fields, solutions of linear algebraic systems of equations, eigenvalues, roots of nonlinear equations, interpolation, and numerical differentiation and integration.

Course Coordinator: Ibrahim Unal

Exams and Grading: Course grades are determined by (online) homework, two (non-cumulative) midterm exams, and a (cumulative) final exam, as well as a small number of bonus points awarded on the basis of attendance, class participation, and/or project completion.

  • Midterm : 30 %
  • Final: 40 %
  • Homework: 30 % (WeBWorK and written)
  • Bonus: 5 %

Homework: Written and Online homeWork will be assigned and graded during the semester. For online homework WeBWorK system.


  • "Computational Science and Engineering." Strang, G., 1st ed. (ask your professor about this)

Website:    /math210/

Make-up Policy: In order to be eligible to enter a make-up examination for a missed examination, a student should have a documented or verifiable, and officially acceptable excuse. A student cannot get make-up examinations for two missed exams. The make-up examination for all exams will be after the final exam, and will include all topics.

NA Grade Policy: Students who attend less than 50% of lectures (< 13 classes) will not be eligible to take the final exam and will automatically be given an NA grade for the course. This will also apply to students who miss the final exam without a valid excuse.

S1 - K. Aker Mon 13:40-14:30
Thu 8:40-10:30
S2 - I. Unal Mon 8:40-10:30
Wed 8:40-10:30
S3 - I. Unal Mon 10:40-12:30
Wed 10:40-12:30
S4 - K. Aker Mon 15:40-17:30
Thu 10:40-12:30

Important Dates
  • February 14: Classes Start (Tuesday Schedule)
  • February 15: (Wednesday Schedule)
  • February 25-March 1: Add-Drop
  • April 23: HOLIDAY (Tuesday)
  • May 1: HOLIDAY (Wednesday)
  • May 24: Classes End
  • May 27-June 8: Finals Period
  • June 17: Grades Announced