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Catalog description: Mat 100 is a preparatory course for calculus courses. Topics include: Functions and their inverses, operations with functions and graphing techniques, polynomial functions, rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, trigonometric functions, trigonometric identities and trigonometric equations, systems of equations, inequalities and solving techniques.
Course Objectives: A successful student will: become comfortable with the language of functions; gain an understanding of polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions and ability to describe their graphs; be able to solve linear and quadratic equations and equations with exponential and logarithmic functions; and gain problem solving skills analyzing the quantitative aspects of real- world problems and creating mathematical models.
Course Coordinator: Ibrahim Unal
Course Website:
Course grades and general course announcements will be posted on the course
website. The website also contains links to WeBWorK and further course resources.
Textbook: Barnett, Ziegler, Syleen and Sobecki. Precalculus 7th ed. Mc Graw Hill, 2010.
Exams and Grading: Course grades are determined by (online) homework completed in recitations, a midterm exam, and a final exam; as well as a small number of bonus points awarded on the basis of attendance, class participation, and/or project completion.
- Short Exams: 5x 5% = 25 % (WeBWork)
- Midterm: 30 % (tentative date: Apr. 13-14)
- Final Exam: 40 %
- WebWork: 5 %
- Bonus: 5 % (3% for 80% attendance, 4% for 90% attendance, 5% for %100 attendance)
Homework: Course homework will be assigned using the online WeBWork system. This homework will be completed during recitation hours in a computer lab with the aid of the assistants. Homework will not be graded directly, but instead will be tested via short exams.
Short Exams: Five short exams will be given during recitation throughout the semester. These short exams will consist problems each taken from the previous WeBWorK sets or very similar to the WebWork problems; they will only be open for students present in the computer lab and must be completed before leaving, without any help from the assistants.
Make-up Policy: In order to be eligible to enter the make-up examination for a missed examination, a student must have a documented or verifiable and officially acceptable excuse. It is not possible to make up multiple missed exams. The make-up examination for all exams will be after the final exam, and will include all topics.
Missed Short Exam Policy: At most one short exam, missed with a valid excuse, may be made up. Short-exam make-up will be arranged by the teaching assistants.
NA Grade Policy: Students who attend less than 50% of lectures (< 13 classes) will not be eligible to take the final exam and will automatically be given an NA grade for the course. This will also apply to students who miss more than 2 short exams and the final exam without a valid excuse
Math Help Room: Office hours will be held in the mathematics help room (T-103). Students are encouraged to visit the help room both at the office hours of their own instructors, and others. The room can also be used for studying and for working in groups. Students are also encouraged to seek out instructors in their offices.
S1 - I. Unal | Wed 13:40-14:30 | TAZ-08 |
S2 - I. Unal | Wed 14:40-15:30 | TAZ-08 |
R1 - M. Celik | Fri 10:40-12:30 | I-103 |
R2 - M. Celik | Fri 13:40-15:30 | I-103 |