Erhan Gürel (Department Coordinator)
- Ph.D. Michigan State University, 2007.
- BEng Electrical and Electronical Engineering. METU, 1997.
- BS Mathematics. METU, 1997.
Research Interests
- Arithmetic Geometry, Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory
Contact Information
- Office: TZ-32
- Phone: +90 392 661 3425
- e-mail: egurel
Selected Publications/Preprints
- (w/O. Kisisel) A note on the products (1k+1)(2k+1)...(nk+1). J Number Theory 130 (2010), no 1, 187-191.
- Galois structure of modular forms of even weight. J Number Theory 129 (2009), no 10, 2274-2288.